Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Tooting her Own Horn

Here's a new Fall dress I made for Brianna. I was really excited to do something in orange to be different from any of her other outfits and to make it feel more like fall! She loved it and wouldn't take it off all day!
Sunday evening our friends Nick and Marianne came over for dinner. Marianne and I begged our husbands to get the trumpet out. Chad played the trumpet in his high school marching band. Nick also plays. I have only had the chance to hear Chad play a few times so it was really fun! Brianna especially enjoyed it! (Sorry for the picture overload, but this is actually using some restraint because I had tons more!) She wanted to watch the sounds come out! She kept saying "I wanna see it!!!"

Then she decided it was her turn! You can tell in this picture that she's still pretty small since the trumpet is practically as big as she is!!She was all about pushing the buttons at the same time!
Check out those cheeks!!! She was getting some serious sounds out of the trumpet!
This was taken the first time she got sound to come out of it...she was ecstatic and thought she was great at playing the trumpet! Here is a girl truly after her daddy's own heart!
Without prompts, she kept bowing! Not sure where she learned it, but it made me laugh!
Here is the video of Nick and Bri playing the trumpet.


Sarah said...

I love her dress! and she looks so tiny with the trumpet!

So... I can't remember, do you make up your own patterns or find them somewhere? If you buy them somewhere, can you send me an email and tell me where? I decided I wanted to make some dresses for my girls and don't know why I haven't before! All of the clothes you've made are so cute! Hopefully you still have my email... :) If not, I'll come back and leave it!

Danielle said...

How cute! Caleb played the trumpet too and the kids get a kick out of it. And I love that dress. I wish I had the time and talent to sew. :)

Kimberly said...

I love that little girl. She makes me melt!

Dave, Catherine, Chandler, and Callie said...

The dress is adorable! I guess it's okay that it's orange.;) I would love to hear Chad play the trumpet too!

Kristen Brady said...

I'm in love with that dress!

WendyG said...

You ARE a talented seamstress!!! Very impressive. And Brianna picked up playing the trumpet quickly. :)

Amanda and Steve said...

What a cutie pie! I love the bowing!