Friday, January 22, 2010

Random Happenings

There hasn't been a whole lot to post lately so here are just a few things the girls are doing. Miranda discovered this tunnel the other day and just thinks it's the best thing ever!!! I love watching her play with it because she experiences pure joy and it just puts a smile on my face! She's also starting to develop a sense of humor and laugh and silly things.
She finally started sleeping a little better at night the last several nights (even through the night on a few of them) but she still isn't napping. We only get about 2 30 min naps a day before she wakes up in pain and can't go back to sleep ...and she's exhausted! I just wish she could nap long enough for it to be restorative and that she's happy when she wakes up!

Brianna on the other hand is not sleeping through the night anymore...only has slept through the night about twice this whole month! She keeps waking up scared or because she fell out of her bed! We're on the lookout for a twin bed but I just haven't gotten the deal I wanted on craigslist yet...anyone have a spare twin they want to sell to me? :)

Brianna's new thing is to be a princess all day and night!!! It's driving me a little nuts, but it especially drives her daddy nuts since he hates all things princess! She has named herself Princess Ellalise and will not respond if I don't call her by that name. She also calls me "Queen" ( I don't hate that too much!!! I just have to remind her that the Queen is in charge, not the princess!!!)
Anyway, she LOVES crowns and wands right now and can be seen wearing one almost every day and night.....

She also FINALLY got to start ballet this month! She has been waiting forever and her daddy promised her when we weren't buying pull ups anymore that she could go! (Yes, she's finally fully potty trained, day and night!!! It's been a long road, but ever since she started the diet she's been doing great!) She has had class 3 times and absolutely loves it! She's a great little ballerina and I love watching her! I'll try to take my camera next time, but I'm usually chasing a fast crawling baby that just wants to be part of the action!


Ellie said...

The last picture of this post is awesome. Princess and SUPER woman!!

Amanda and Steve said...

I love that last picture, too.

Sarah (and a few others) said...

So cute! Super princess!

Michelle and Nathan said...

Let me just say dito to the other comments. I'm in love with that last pic. I need to bring my camera over and ask you some questions about what I'm doing. You are amazing!

Amanda said...

Good luck with the no sleeping thing - I don't know how you do it! Why does your husband hate all things princess? He has two girls...he is in for it!

Tiffany Spencer said...

Great post thhankyou