Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Miranda Elaine

We've been home for over 24 hours and this is the sweet new addition to our family! I prayed and prayed throughout this pregnancy that this baby would not be as difficult as Brianna was. But, it seems she has some similar stomach issues as her sister does. She's already been pretty fussy and doesn't like to be put down day or night. She also doesn't sleep very well unless held in certain positions so I haven't been getting any rest (besides when people take her for me). So far she hasn't been colicky, we'll have to see in the next few weeks how that goes. So, at least she's been consolable! She has a hard time getting her burps out and gets really gassy....maybe this time we'll be able to control that better! So, here's to hoping she'll outgrow this faster than her sister did and that I'll be able to cope with it! She sure makes up for it by being so cute and sweet when she feels good! We got home from the hospital yesterday after a 48 hour stay to make sure Miranda was okay since I didn't have the penicillin in my body long enough before she delivered! The doctors said she looked great and we're happy to be home!
On Saturday I just had a feeling that I would have the baby that night or the next day! My body just felt kind of weird all day. Chad's brother, Curtis, and his wife, Alicia, were visiting for that night. They had spent the weekend in San Francisco as a baby moon before their 2nd child is born. We spent the evening walking around Old Sacramento, eating and playing games. As I went to bed I started feeling sick to my stomach and couldn't sleep. At 2:00 I started having really painful contractions every 4-5 minutes apart. It definitely felt different than last time, but we went in. After being there for an hour and having really painful contractions the nurse informed me that I was still only 3 cm and needed to walk around the hospital for an hour before they sent me home!!! Are you kidding me!?!? I was in so much pain, there was no way I was going to walk around and go home, just as I was about to say something my water broke and they saw that I was now at a 6! They rushed me into a delivery room, admitted me and then seemed to take forever to get the IV in. I was already feeling the urge to push and once you're pushing there's no epidural. I was starting to feel totally out of control and was concerned about the pain I was feeling. Thank heavens I was able to get the epidural and relax a little. But, it slowed the labor down and a few hours later I wasn't making that much progress. I informed the new nurse that my brother and sister in law were headed back to Denver at 10:00 that morning and they would love to see their new niece if at all possible! She helped me position my body to help the baby move and Miranda was born not long after! My nurse was AMAZING! At 8:11 we had a baby girl and Curt and Alicia had enough time to come and see her before they left (just what I had prayed for that night).

Curt, Alicia and Bri
Alicia is due July 3rd with a girl!
My parents came in last night and I'm so grateful for the help. My dad is weeding my neglected yard at the moment! Does it get better than that?

Bri just loves her Grandma and Grandpa and followed "Papa" around all night last night!


Unguren said...

Miranda is very cute! Congrats!

kim said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful. And that last picture of your mom and Bri is so sweet!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Erin...she is beautiful! Congratulations! It looks like you are having fun with your parents in town.

Michelle and Nathan said...

Congratulations!!! We're so glad to hear it went well and everyone is fine. Miranda looks gorgeous. Let us know when we can bring you dinner or whatever.

Michelle said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats Erin and are amazing parents! Best of luck with everything and I hope you can get some sleep. :)

Kimberly said...

Hey, Congrats. I hope you got my message about the Gripe Water. If you want I can go get some for you. It is a miracle worker with the gas and pain that goes with it. Also, let me know when I can bring over some dinner. I would love to help out whereever I can.

Sarah said...

Oh she is precious! I hope she gets better for you soon! I'd try to offer advice, but I'm sure you've tried everything by now!

joylyn said...

Aaron and I know Curt and Alicia. They were our neighbors in little tiny basement apartments at BYU in 2006. What a small world. Congratulations again. Miranda is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

congrats! miranda is so beautiful! hope she does ok for you!

Lisa O said...

Looks like both of your adorable girls are enjoying their time with their Grandma. :) Miranda is beautiful!