Chad's company had their first annual picnic this weekend! We had so much fun meeting everyone as a family. I unfortunately didn't bring my camera and there were tons of photo ops! The park and lighting were beautiful and I missed my camera! Thankfully Chad caught this picture of Bri's first face painting! She loved it and was sad this morning when it was gone! She wanted to be a brown, pink and blue cat!
Miranda painted her face with a sucker! She had found a wrapped sucker on the floor from the piano candy jar. I thought she was safe to play with it until she came waltzing into the room a few minutes later COVERED in her sucker! She was so proud! I promptly stuck he in her high chair. She had also been "feeding" her stuffed Panda the sucker which ended up going in the wash. He had sticky syrup all over his face!
Happy New Year!
2 days ago
hee hee, she is so proud of her candy face!
I have serious sticky issues. It is truly a labor of love for me to let my children eat suckers and deal with the stickiness that is sure to follow!
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