Brianna went to her first trunk or treat at church tonight! (She didn't go last year because of the colic and constant screaming!!!) She had a lot of fun! I wasn't sure if she would catch on to the whole getting treats idea, but I couldn't stop her after she got started! She gets to be a bumble bee for Halloween this year and she is great at wearing her costume and even the hood that goes with it. I just couldn't get any good pictures with it on!
Every year our ward does this trunk or treat thing after a light dinner and Halloween Carnival. I was in charge of the cookie decorating table, and I'm glad it's over. I have made more sugar cookies and frosting than I like to in a whole year!!! Due to the rain, we had the trick or treating indoors. Brianna was so proud of her basket and loved carrying it around. Thank goodness her Grandma brought it for her because I didn't have one! Brianna signed "thank you" to everyone after they gave her candy! And she signed "candy" over and over and over tonight!!! We have a little sugar-aholic on our hands! She enjoyed the cake walk and won a cupcake, she loved the "fishing pond" and she even let one of the Young Women paint her nose!!! Here are a bunch of her cousins that she loves to play with!
Happy New Year!
1 week ago
She is the cutest bee I've ever seen! I wish our ward would do a trunk or treat. Our bishop wouldn't approve it!
Brianna is such an adorable bee. That is so cute that she signed thank you and candy all night.
Oh so cute!! It's amazing how fast they learn signs when motivated. :)
I agree with Val...what a cute bee!!!
She is so cute in her Halloween costume. How cute that she signed Thank you after getting candy, you have a very polite little girl on your hands.
Also, love your stuff on esty! You are amazing! I hope that business is booming.
The costume is so cute. You can't help but love little girl costumes. There is just something about them.
Bri makes a really cute bee--and yay for some new posts!
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